Berirab P

Berirab P Drug Interactions

rabies immunoglobulin


CSL Behring


Zuellig Pharma


Zuellig Pharma
Full Prescribing Info
Drug Interactions
Vaccinations with live attenuated virus vaccines: Immunoglobulin administration may impair the efficacy of live attenuated virus vaccines such as measles, rubella, mumps and varicella vaccines for a period of up to three months. After administration of Berirab P an interval of at least three months should elapse before vaccination with live virus vaccines. In the case of measles, this impairment may persist for up to four months. Therefore, patients receiving measles vaccine should have their antibody status checked.
Interference with serological testing:
It has to be considered that when serological test results are interpreted, the transitory rise of passively transferred antibodies after immunoglobulin injection may result in misleading positive test results.
Passive transmission of antibodies to erythrocyte antigens, e.g., A, B and D may interfere with some serological tests for red cell allo-antibodies (e.g. Coombs test).
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